A small sample of the family's memories of our beloved Shimar
We love it when friends take care of each other.
If you have a friend who has lost a loved one, whether recently or not so recently then, tell them about us.
PS. Be sure to let your friend know that you stand to receive an incentive for your referral.
When your friend contacts us they will be asked how they came to learn about our services. You will need them to submit your name as their reference.
Send us an email at with the subject line "Referral". This validates your friend's submission.
Your email must contain your name, address and telephone number. This allows us to contact you to arrange payment.
On receipt of the final payment for all services, you earn $50.00 BDS cash.
All incentive payments will be made by the end of the month of the transaction. Transactionas finalised within the last three (3) business days of the month may be subject to roll-over.